Monday, October 23, 2006

In case you didn't know my sister was the coolest person in the world, she told me she found a birthday card for me (my birthday is November 25, don't forget it) and she couldn't wait to give it to me. Her excitement was so intense that she sent it to me over a month early. I got it in the mail on Sunday and it was incredible. On the outside of the card it had a button (or a pin, you know like something you would pin on your shirt or something) and it said "P is for Playa." If that isn't a sweet enough card, you open it up and it says "Play on Playa." I thought it was hilarious and I showed my friends Jeff and Jason and we laughed about it again. Needless to say, the button is on my backpack so everyone at COCC knows what P is for.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I'll agree that your sister is the coolest person, and she earned extra points by sending me the link to your blog! It's great! -Beth