Friday, September 22, 2006

My sister was driving in downtown Seattle on wednesday and saw a homeless person. She didn't see just any homeless person, she saw a clever homeless person. He sat on the corner with a sign that read, "Father killed by ninjas, need money for karate lessons." I defy anyone to find a funnier homeless person. He should be writing for SNL, not sitting on a street corner. He probably makes more tax free scratch than I will make when I become a baller math teacher. It's funny because it's true.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not that it's even close to being funnier but tonight when I pulled off the freeway hear where I live I saw a homeless guy with a "sign" too. In Eugene it is pretty dang common to see folks on street corners with signs saying: "Homeless. Anything will help." In this case, the guy was holding an imaginary sign over his head - waiving it at every car that passed. I'm sure whatever he thought he had written on his imaginary sign was pretty good. Probably something about ninjas . . .