Thursday, February 15, 2007

I finally figured it out. I am back in business. It took me like two months to figure out how to sign into my blog and now I am back. I don't have anything funny that I can think of telling you all about, but I will update you on my situation. I have been going to Westside Church and while the sermons aren't the greatest, I really like what they are about and I really like the people. I have met a lot of new people and mom was happy to find out that many of them are girls. The COBO team that I coach won league last weekend and we have playoffs in two weeks. I have now officially never got less then first in any COBO league thing (2-time regular season champions and soon to be 2-time playoff league champions). I will start coaching a COBO all-star team in March with coach Reid. We are supposed to go to Reno, California, and other places in and out of state. This team is really fun because they are so good and they work hard and do really well together. I am helping with a children's ministry at church where we take kids from poorer neighborhoods in Bend and bring them to church and hang out with them, feed them dinner, and have a message, then we take them home. It is pretty cool. Chris and I may be getting the sweetest new roommate ever, his name is Joey and he one of the youth pastors at Westside. He is hilarious and he used to be fat and then he lost like 80 lbs and now he is skinny as a rail. He is the man. I think that is it for now. I will try to remember a funny story that I had, but I forgot it. I also need to post this paper I wrote my senior year in high school that was a CIM paper that I got a rediculously high grade on. It was about when I was in second grade and peed my pants in a baseball game, my teacher said it was one of the best narratives she has ever read and she has been teaching a while. Get pumped.


Anonymous said...

YAY! You're back in business! Glad to see you remembered your password and could login again...Can't wait for your paper to post!

Peter Milliron said...
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Peter Milliron said...

Glad you got it figured out. And I'll be there next weekend to see your team win the championship!